Senior Spotlight: Sarah Guarino
The invaluable experiences and education that I have received as a student at Ashland University have allowed me to become more prepared for my future in the field of psychology. Although it was not until my sophomore year that I decided to change my major to psychology, I have had many opportunities to have an active role within the psychology department. During the second semester of my sophomore year, I began my position as a research assistant, which has enabled me to have a solid understanding of the research process. The research that I completed as a junior with psychology students Rachel Carson and Lauren Goossens also allowed me to present at the EPA conference, and our research won a Regional Award.
Going into my final year at Ashland, I am excited to be working on my Honors Capstone Thesis, continuing as a research assistant, and participating in psychology club as the marketing chair. Over the summer, I had the opportunity to be a human resources intern at the corporate office of Eliza Jennings Senior Care Network in Lakewood, Ohio. Because I want to pursue a graduate degree in Industrial/Occupational Psychology, this internship allowed me to gain insight into one possible career path in human resources. The Psychology Department at Ashland University has truly helped me to grow as a person, and has prepared me for the next step in my education.