Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Psychology Students Have Significant Presence at 4th Annual URCA Symposium
Congratulations to the psychology students who successfully presented their research at the 4th annual College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (URCA) Symposium on April 10th. Students who presented talks were Sarah Guarino, Jessica Istanich, Bethanee Burden, James Robinson, Lauren Goossens, Samantha Diemer, Jessica Gross, Amanda Mosley, Ben Bukovec, Lacie Bray-Akers, Amanda Rae Martin, Jalessa Brown, Alex Maus, Amanda Mayes, and Amber Weaver. Additionally, Amber Weaver, Morgan Phillips, and Rachel Carson presented research findings during the afternoon poster sessions. Thanks to the faculty mentors who spent considerable time helping students with their projects and assisting them in getting ready for the URCA symposium. Psychology faculty who sponsored these presentations were Drs. Brent Mattingly, Diane Bonfiglio, Alinde Moore, and Mitchell Metzger.