This Friday, December 7, students from the PSYC 310: Advanced Research course will be presenting the results of their semester-long research project in Ronk Lecture Hall. Each presentation is scheduled to last 12-15 minutes, with time for questions after each presentation. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend. Below is a list of the presentations:
10:30am - Jessica Istanich and Bethanee Burden: "Implicit Racial Associations and Their Limited Malleability"
10:50am - Katie Nageotte: "Routines and Their Effects on Performance"
11:10am - Samantha Diemer and Jessica Gross: "Influence of the Color Red on Aggression Levels"
11:30am - Lacie Bray-Akers and Amanda Rae Martin: "Effects of Scent on Self-Esteem and Self-Perceptions"
11:50am - Amanda Mosley and Ben Bukovec: "Embodied Cognition: Gum Chewing as a Temperature Manipulation and Attraction to Opposite Sex Others"