Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Peers Promoting Organized Wellness Service Opportunity

Jacob Ewing is the Wellness Intern at the Ashland University Recreation Center. Part of his internship involves working closely with the organization Peers Promoting Organized Wellness (PPOW). This is a student-led organization that seeks to educate AU students about all of the various aspects of wellness.  PPOW sponsors events and activities that could provide leadership opportunities to all students in the organization. This is a great way for underclassmen, freshman especially, to get involved on campus.

PPOW meets every other Wednesday at 8:00p.m. in the Rec Center, and the next meeting is September 12th. This organization provides educational programming and materials about nutrition, alcohol awareness, and many other topics relevant to wellness in college life. 

PPOW is a great chance for younger students to get involved -- especially when their major works very closely with wellness. Jacob would be available to answer any questions students might have. In addition, interested students can contact either of PPOW's co-presidents, Heather Bumbalough ( or Caroline Kessler (