Dr. Brent Mattingly, Assistant Professor of Psychology, has been a faculty member at Ashland University since the 2009-2010 academic year. He teaches General Psychology I, Social Psychology, Psychology of Intimate Relationships, Research Methods in Psychology, and Advanced Research in Psychology. He is also the faculty advisor for Psychology Club.
Dr. Mattingly is also an active researcher. He is an experimental social psychologist by training and his research focuses primarily on romantic relationships and the self. In his three years as a faculty member at AU, Dr. Mattingly has published 18 articles in peer-reviewed journals, had 16 presentations at professional conferences, and has supervised 9 undergraduate conference presentations. Dr. Mattingly has also served as a reviewer for 13 different peer-reviewed journals.
In addition to teaching and conducting research, Dr. Mattingly also is a Staff Writer for the online science magazine, Science of Relationships. If you would like to read some of his articles, click here.
Dr. Mattingly has also won awards for his teaching (2008 John G. Napoli Graduate Student Teaching Award, Saint Louis University) and his research (2009 Gayle A. Olson and Richard D. Olson Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Research, Saint Louis University).
Dr. Mattingly’s office is 156 Schar College of Education, and he can be reached at bmatting@ashland.edu