Congratulations to the 13 Ashland University psychology majors who were recently informed that their research projects were accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. The location of the conference varies each year, and the 2012 meeting will be held from March 1-4 at the Westin Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA. Eight of the students will be presenting research that they completed in their Advanced Research in Psychology (PSYC 310) course under the supervision of Dr. Diane Bonfiglio, while the rest of the students will be presenting research that was completed in the department under the supervision of Drs. Brent Mattingly, Mitchell Metzger, and Diane Bonfiglio. The students who had their work accepted are Rachel Carson, Amber Weaver, Kayla Hoover, Sarah Guarino, Amanda Mosley, Jessie Bates, Niki Valentine, Lauren Goossens, Brandy Dilgard, Cassie Mosley, Melissa Welch, Alex Maus, and Katie Scale.
According to the EPA website, the "Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) was founded in 1896 and is the oldest of the regional Psychological Associations in the United States. Its sole purpose is to advance the science and profession through the dissemination of professional information about the field of Psychology. EPA achieves this goal by conducting its annual meeting where the members of EPA present the latest advances in professional and scientific work to their colleagues. EPA welcomes psychologists from all fields across the discipline." Congratulations to these students and their faculty mentors!!