Friday, December 2, 2011

APA Summer Science Fellowship Program

The American Psychological Association has a wonderful summer research experience for undergraduate students at US and Canadian colleges and universities.   APA is again sponsoring its Summer Science Fellowship program, hosted by the Psychology Department at George Mason University.  Up to twelve students who are current juniors will be selected for this six week long, paid summer research internship.  Students will be selected for experiences in one of several areas, including biological, applied developmental, applied cognitive, neuroscience, clinical, school, and industrial/ organizational. 

International students enrolled in US or Canadian colleges are eligible; US citizenship is not required. Students from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.  The application deadline is February 10, 2012.  Please consider applying for this outstanding program.    

Please click here for more information about the Summer Science Fellowship program.  Contact or call 202-336-6000 if you have questions.