Thursday, December 8, 2011

Take a Break During Finals Week and Support Our Research Students!

Students in Ashland University’s PSYC 310: Advanced Research in Psychology course will present their final oral presentations on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Ronk Lecture Hall of the Schar College of Education Building.  Student presenters include Alex Maus and Katie Scale (The Effects of Stress on Appeal of Food Images); Lauren Goossens, Rachel Carson, and Sarah Guarino (The Influence of Context and Color on Memory); Tory Tobin (Death Thoughts and Relationships); Brandy Dilgard, Cassie Mosley, and Melissa Welch (Personality and Puzzles: Study of Future Thinking and Persistence) and Niki Valentine and Kayla Hoover (Suicide Education Media: How It Affects College Students’ Attitudes towards Suicide).  These students have worked hard all semester devising their projects, running participants, and analyzing their data, and now they are ready to share their findings.  All members of the AU community are welcome to attend.  This is a particularly good opportunity for first-year and sophomore students to see what they will be able to do when they get to take PSYC 310, and for PSYC 101 students to see the products of their research participation.  Refreshments will be served!