Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ashland University Study Abroad Programs Meet in Berlin, Germany

Drs. Mitchell Metzger and Mark Hamilton, along with eight AU students, met up with Dr. Chris Swanson and his five AU students in Berlin, Germany on May 20.  Metzger and Hamilton are studying with students in the "AU in Germany" program, while Swanson was wrapping up his "Capital Cities of Europe" tour with students from the Ashland University Honors Program.  Swanson's group was already scheduled to be in Berlin that day, and Metzger's group was only an hour away in Wittenberg.  A few emails back and forth between Metzger and Swanson was all it took to coordinate getting the groups together.  This might be the first time that two separate study abroad groups from Ashland University met up in a country outside of the United States!  Pictured are students from both groups in front of the Berliner Dom (the Berlin Dome) in the heart of Germany's capital city.