Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Its time for academic advising!

Attention Ashland University Psychology Majors!  Now is the time that you should be getting in touch with your academic advisor to talk about future career plans/options/opportunities, as well as which classes you'll be taking in the fall semester.  The following dates are when students can register through Webadvisor:
  • Seniors - March 22nd
  • Juniors - March 23rd
  • Sophomores - March 29th
  • Freshman - April 5th
Also note that the time that students register on those days has changed from midnight to 10:00 pm.  Advisors were informed to tell students to avoid using the EXPRESS REGISTRATION function on Webadvisor.  Apparently, if any of the classes that you want to register for are closed and you've use that function, the system will reject your entire schedule.  IT is working on fixing that as we speak, but students might be better off not using it at all to save themselves a headache.  Good luck!